Kevin Campbell

Kevin Campbell

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Alternate Ending To 'Bird Box' Much Darker And Disturbing


By now...most of us have heard of 'Bird Box' and many of us watched it as soon as we saw it available on Netfix. In fact, it is the best first 7 days ever for a Netflix film!

The ending may have been surprisingly upbeat...considering we were on the edge of our seats watching Sandra Bullock blindfolded trying to get her and the kids down the river. However we would have seen something a lot darker had the movie followed the book it was based on to the letter. 

The difference is all in the last 5 minutes. In the movie Malorie made it to the sanctuary with Girl and Boy after an intense ride on the river.

Once there arrive, they find people roaming the grounds, including Malorie's physician, Dr Lapham. A few residents are blind and using guide dogs or sticks as aids. We actually never find out anything about them.

But it's a hopeful, happy place with children playing and birds singing. 

The book's ending however is quite different. While it's still has a happy ending, it's much much darker.

According to the book - As Malorie and the kids get inside they find that the people there have actually all blinded themselves to stay safe. 

Hmmm. What do you think? Do you like the way the movie ended, or should they have gone with the way the book ends? 

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